Elizabeth Ministry Collection Of Prayers

Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth, we visit and celebrate the sacredness of all life!
Written by the founders of Elizabeth Ministry
Rev. Kurt Gessner, Capuchin and Jeannie Hannemann, M.A.
The materials in this Collection of Prayers are designed to assist you in creating the Gift and Resource Kits given by the Elizabeth Minister in her visits. These prayers can be the only gift or one of several items given by her. The prayers provide something tangible to leave behind. They touch people in a way that reaches the soul and transcends the moment.
Prayer Title
- Prayer of Wonder | Color | Black&White
- Prayer of Gratitude | Color| Black&White
- Prayer for Help | Color| Black&White
- Prayer for Awareness of God’s Presence| Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Openness and Patience | Color| Black&White
- Prayer for Joy and Trust| Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Insight | Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Strength | Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Trust and Confidence | Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Wisdom| Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Courage| Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Peace | Color | Black&White
- Prayer for Faith | Color | Black&White
Prayer Focus
- General Pregnancy
- Pregnancy-Married
- General Pregnancy
- Subsequent Pregnancy
- Pregnancy-Bed Rest
- Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Infant Death
- Pregnancy-Prenatal Testing Concerns
- Pregnancy-Fetal Abnormality Issues
- Pregnancy Later in Life
- Prenatll Testing/Fetal Abnormality Issues
- Pregnancy–Single Parent
- High-Risk Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Complications
Art: Pamela Glick
Copyright© 1996- Jeannie Hannemann, M.A. – Elizabeth Ministry International Headquarters
All rights reserved.
For more information:
Elizabeth Ministry International
120 W. 8th Street Kaukauna, WI 54130
Phone: 920-766-9380 ~ Fax: 920-766-1221
info@elizabethministry.com |www.elizabethministry.com