Respect Life Blogs are created by Respect Life staff members on Respect Life issues.
NEW BLOG!! – From Conception to Natural Death: The Boundless Dignity of the Human Person: The following series of blogs reflect on the different ways we are called as Catholics to honor the dignity present in each human person. As Christ said in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” View blog here
Masterpieces of Creation: Recognizing Human Dignity Through Suicide Prevention: In this blog series, we will explore the issue of mental illness and suicide among young people. While this can be a difficult topic to face, and is often times avoided, we can better make ourselves aware of how to prevent suicide by first acknowledging and discussing the problem. View blog here
Life with Dignity: This blog is going to stand as a defense of life against the pains of physician assisted suicide and as a reminder of the vital fact that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. Since we are in the image and likeness of God we all have a special place in this world and everyone deserves to be loved and treated with the dignity they deserve. View blog here
Blog: Become A Shepherd & Help Stop Human Trafficking: Many Americans hold the belief that slavery was abolished in the United States with the passing of the 13th Amendment back in 1865. However, countless Americans remain unaware that modern day slavery is still present throughout the country – in the form of human trafficking. View blog here
Lenten Blog, Inspired by the Words of Pope Francis: Sister Elizabeth Geraghty, CSJ, contemplates “Opening Eyes, Ears and Hearts in Lent” inspired by Pope Francis’ writings and homilies on Lent. View blog here.
Jubilee of Mercy, Excerpts from Pope Francis: Sister Elizabeth Geraghty, CSJ, shares her thoughts with excerpts from Pope Francis on the Jubilee of Mercy, which begins on December 8, 2015, and ends November 20, 2016. For information on the Jubilee of Mercy. View blog here
Excerpts from Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si/ On Care for Our Common Home: Sister Elizabeth Geraghty, CSJ, shares her thoughts on Pope Francis’ encyclical and environmental issues. View blog here.
Chyva’s Corner – Words to the Youth: Youth today are weighed down with more and more issues and less positive outlets to express their growing fears. Bullying, suicide and low self esteem, etc. are all serious issues plaguing our youth and young adults. While we may not know everyone’s individual pain, we can identify with Christ’s love for us all and be there for one another in times of need. Discussing our truths and learning and leaning on one another, can be the first step in helping one another heal. View blog here
My Thoughts – On Aging: Sister Elizabeth Geraghty, CSJ, shares her thoughts on our culture’s sociological views and church teachings on aging, with references and inspired by the books: Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, by Richard Rohr and The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully, by Joan Chittister. View blog here
Theology of the Body: Sister Elizabeth Geraghty, CSJ, coordinator of Project Rachel for the diocesan Respect Life Office, shares reflections on the Theology of the Body. The Theology of the Body is a series of addresses given by Pope John Paul II at his Wednesday papal audiences in Rome from September 1979 to November 1984. The Theology of the Body is made up of 129 individual addresses, divided into six different cycles. These addresses present an in-depth biblical explanation of the mystery of marriage and human sexuality. View blog here
My Thoughts – Project Rachel: Sister Elizabeth Geraghty, CSJ, coordinator of Project Rachel for the diocesan Respect Life Office, shares her thoughts on the Project Rachel hope and healing after abortion program and how it coincides with church teaching, and how Project Rachel helps those whom suffer from abortion loss. View blog here