Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” (Jeremiah 1:5)

At the very heart of our beliefs about who we are and why we exist, is a message of love. God creates us out of love. Out of love, He redeems us by the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus. He calls us to an eternal destiny with Him because He loves each sacred human life, created in His image.

That we are created in God’s image is reaffirmed in our nation’s Declaration of Independence, reminding us that we “are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The right to life is the foundation and starting point for every other God-given human right. When that right is attacked or denied, all other rights and liberties begin to crumble

See how every legislator voted and send a message to your elected officials about their vote.

A “NO” vote is a pro-life vote. A “Yes” vote is a vote for abortion expansion. The Assembly vote is listed first; the Senate vote is second.

On January 22, 2019, the solemn anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, both the State Senate and the Assembly voted on and passed the radical “Reproductive Health Act,” numbered S.240. The Governor immediately signed and celebrated the new law. This law goes well beyond Roe in its permissiveness and aggressive promotion of abortion.


Consider how you can give a greater witness to the truth that we are all created in God’s image.

Advocate for life by contacting your your elected officials about their vote on the Abortion Expansion Legislation (Reproductive Health Act)

Contact and join your local Parish Respect Life Committee.

For further information contact


Learn more about Respect Life Ministry through the Respect Life Parish Ministry Educational Overview Training (Educación Formación General Del Ministerio Parroquial De Respeto a la Vida).

Learn more about the Respect Life Program, which produces materials each year to help Catholics understand, value, and become engaged with supporting the dignity of the human person, and therefore the gift of every person’s life.

Stay informed by signing up to the Respect Life Office Monthly email newsletter.

Care & Serve

Care and serve others by sharing information on Project Rachel Abortion/Healing after Abortion, a network of specially trained, compassionate caregivers, who are prepared to assist those who are involved with or suffer from abortion loss.

Care, educate and serve others by sharing information on Diocesan Pregnancy Support.

Donate to Diocesan Pregnancy Support.


Let us continue to pray for a conversion of minds and hearts among the citizens of our State, our elected officials, for all life especially for the unborn..

Prayer for the Intercession of Saint Gianna Molla

Patron Saint of Mothers, Physicians, and Preborn Children

O compassionate Saint Gianna,
physician and caregiver to the poor, the elderly,
to children and expectant mothers,
look lovingly upon my humble prayer,
and intercede for me with our Heavenly Father.

As a dedicated wife and mother,
you imitated the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
even to the point of giving your life to save
the life of your preborn child.

Ask the Holy Spirit, I pray, to fill me with courage,
so that your words may become my own:
“Whatever God wants.”
If it is in God’s loving plan for me,
pray that my intention may be granted
(make your request here).

I make this prayer for the healing
and strengthening of my heart, soul,
mind and body, with complete trust
in Christ our Lord. Amen.

Printed with ecclesiastical approval – 2017

Oración por la Intercesión de Santa Gianna Molla

Santa Patrona de las madres, de los médicos y de los niños no nacidos

O compasiva Santa Gianna,
médico que cuida a los pobres, a los ancianos,
a los niños y a las madres embarazadas,
considera amorosamente mi humilde oración,
e intercede por mi ante nuestro Padre Celestial.

Como esposa y madre consagrada,
imitaste el amor de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo,
incluso hasta el punto de dar tu vida
para salvar la vida de tu hija no nacida.

Te ruego pidas al Espíritu Santo que me llene de valor,
para que tus palabras se hagan mías:
“Lo que Dios quiera”.

Si cabe en el plan amoroso que tiene Dios para mí,
intercede para que conceda mi intención
(aquí menciona tu petición).

Hago esta súplica para la sanación
y el fortalecimiento de mi corazón, de mi alma,
de mi mente y mi cuerpo, con total confianza
en Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

Santa Gianna Molla
Santa Patrona de las madres, de los médicos y de los niños no nacidos
Fiesta: 28 de abril ~ Canonizada el 16 de mayo de 2004