The Triduum: From Passion and Death to Resurrection
Lenten Blog based on words of Pope Francis — Second in the series
The moment of suffering, when many people feel the need to get down from the cross, is the moment closest to the resurrection. Night becomes darkest just before morning dawns.” Pope Francis, April 16, 2014.
“Sometimes it seems God doesn’t respond to evil, that he keeps silent. But in reality God has spoken, he has responded. His response is the cross of Christ: a word that is love, mercy, forgiveness.”
“In the Triduum of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, human suffering is taken up completely and redeemed by God, by the God who is love. Only Christ gives meaning to the scandal of the suffering of the innocent.”
“Living Holy Week means entering ever more deeply into the logic of God, into the logic of the cross, which is not primarily that of suffering and death, but rather that of love and the gift of self which brings life. It means entering into the logic of the Gospel.”