Take Action: Let your state legislator know your thoughts on their Reproductive Health Act vote

On January 22, the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, both the New York State Senate and the Assembly voted on and passed the radical “Reproductive Health Act,” numbered S.240. The Governor immediately signed and celebrated the new law.

Go HERE to send a message to your elected officials about their vote. When you sign up with your address, the NYS Catholic Conference advocacy tool will automatically send your Senator and Assembly Member a message based on their vote, expressing either your gratitude or your “grave disappointment.”

To see how your legislator voted check the lists below. A “No” or “Nay” vote is a pro-life vote. A “Yes” or “Aye” vote is a vote for abortion expansion. (ER indicates the legislator was excused from the vote.) The Assembly vote is listed first; the Senate vote is second.

Article taken from the Long Island Catholic licatholic.org