Take Action: Don’t Make Us Pay for Purchase of Aborted Fetal Organs
Last month, news reports revealed that the Food and Drug Administration signed a new contract to acquire “fresh” aborted fetal organs for research creating so-called “humanized mice” with human immune systems.
Yesterday, the U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities joined 44 other pro-life groups in signing a letter to Secretary Alex Azar, head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, expressing shock and dismay that the FDA is “using federal tax dollars and fomenting demand for human body parts taken from babies who are aborted.”
The letter points out that Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), “the company with which the FDA has its contract for procurement of aborted fetal organs, is among the entities referred for criminal investigation by both houses of Congress for potential collusion with abortion facilities as well as possibly profiting from the sale of fetal organs from aborted babies.”
The letter poses a number of questions to the Secretary about the contract with ABR and about other fetal tissue research being conducted by the National Institutes of Health.
Please add your voice to ours by sending a message to Sec. Azar and urging him to end all federal government association with those who participate in trafficking or procurement of aborted baby organs and to stop using taxpayer dollars for this gruesome practice.
As always, we are extremely grateful to you for making your voices heard on important matters of life!
Brian Duggan
Executive Director
Human Life Action