Stop The Abortion Expansion Act: Lives in the Balance
Sadly, New York State is the Abortion Capital of our nation, with a rate of 29.6 abortions for every 1,000 women of reproductive age. That’s more than twice the national average.

New York legalized abortion in 1970, three years before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs. Wade. Abortion is legal here for any reason up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, and any time after that if the mother’s life is at risk. So even if Roe were to be overruled, the vast majority of abortions in our state would continue to be legal and available.
The Governor and the Democratic leadership in the New York State Legislature want to go even further, and make abortion less safe and more expansive than it is now. They’ve promised to enact the so-called “Reproductive Health Act” early in 2019. This bill would:
- Allow non-doctors to perform abortions.
- Allow abortions for any reason in the third trimester of pregnancy right up to a mother’s due date.
- Remove all criminal penalties for abortion, even if it was contrary to the mother’s choice, such as the intentional targeting of an unborn child in an act of violence.
- Remove our state’s protections for infants accidentally born alive in the course of an abortion.
This extremism goes far beyond Roe vs. Wade!
Take Action Now
Pro-life New Yorkers need to stand up in unison and make their voices heard on behalf of women and their unborn children. Tell your state lawmakers that enough is enough.
Here’s a simple way to do this. Go to the New York State Catholic Conference website at
Click on “Stop Abortion Expansion.” Enter your home address information, then select “Send Message.” Your message will automatically be sent to your State Senator, State Assembly Representative and the Governor. Please do it as soon as you can. It is so important to register our strong protest at this time.
What More Can We Do?
As a caring and compassionate people, we can also:
1. Pray.
Pray for the intercession of St. Gianna Molla, the patron saint of mothers, physicians and preborn children. Pray for changed minds, changed hearts and a deeper awakening to the sacredness and dignity of all human life.
2. Provide life-affirming choices for women.
Here in the Diocese of Rockville Centre immediate assistance is available for women and families with an unexpected or unplanned pregnancy. In collaboration with Catholic Charities, CHS has established a one-call outreach program via 1 (855) 301-4CHS with access to resources in the community. Services are given both to uphold the unborn baby’s right to life and help sustain mother and baby following birth.
3. Help women and men who have suffered an abortion.
Programs offering hope and healing following abortion are also available. Project Rachel is a network of specially trained, compassionate caregivers, who are prepared to assist those who suffer from abortion loss.
Call 1-516-766-2538 se habla espanol | Email to begin healing after abortion loss.
4. Build the Culture of Life.
- Talk the pro-life talk… with your family members, friends, co-workers, schoolmates. We can build consensus and change the culture one person at a time.
- Help educate the next generation. We must nurture young pro-life leaders who are unconditionally, unapologetically pro-life, who see the connection between their faith and their politics, and who are willing to put their faith into action.
- Walk the pro-life walk…every minute of every hour of every day. Teach people to love and value one another. Our actions and words must reflect our respect and deep appreciation for the wondrous gift of human life