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Respect for Human Life

You missed your menstrual cycle this month, you take a test and get the most startling news. You are pregnant! You didn’t see it coming. What about college? What will your family and friends say? How will this fit in with your plans? Are there are other options?

These are real life questions many young girls and young women are forced to answer 3RD PLACEwhen dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.  In 2011, the New York Times reported, “41 percent of pregnancies, excluding miscarriages, in 2009 ended in abortion” in New York City.[1] This staggering percentage shows that many women are making the decision to have an abortion instead of looking into other options. What do you do if you are pregnant and not ready for motherhood, but also want to protect the life given to you?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves” (2271)[2] .  God communicates to us our role in human life once conception has happened. We are to respect and give dignity to every life. Personal preferences and fear of shame do not outweigh the value of a human life. Human life is a gift from God entrusted to us to nurture. Although, situations vary, we must keep in mind our role in the matter. Services such as adoption exist to help those who are forced to make a difficult decision.

In addition, those who have made the hard choice of abortion need to remember that God is a forgiving God. 43Empowering yourself with knowledge and confessing to God your sins, brings forth a closer and renewed relationship with God.  There are places that can help. The Diocese has a program called Project Rachel, and it “is a network of specially trained, compassionate caregivers, including counselors and clergy, who are prepared to assist those who suffer from abortion loss.”[3] For the young girl or woman facing this plaguing issue, you are not alone and there is help. Your life matters.

[1]               www.nytimes.com/2011/02/04/nyregion/04abortion.html

[2]               www.vatican.va/archive

[3]               respectlife.drvc.org/our-issues/abortion/

*If you or someone you know is struggling with abortion loss, please contact:

About the Author
Chyva Clarke is a Fordham University graduate student in the Master's program of Religious Education: Young Adult and Youth Ministry with a background in counseling and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Theology from Fordham. She has six brothers and one sister whom she loves and works closely with to stay current on youth issues. She is the Campus Minister for Hofstra University and plans to continue her career in religious education.
  1. Anonymous

    I really like this blog! I will use this page for a reference for my jhs students. Thank you!
