We need you to be an Advocate for Life with Dignity
Blog 5 of 5
Today we are on the frontlines in the fight for human dignity and we need all of the support we can get. Right now, only California, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Montana and the District of Columbia have legalized physician-assisted suicide but bills are being discussed and debated in 14 other states, including New York.
As both humans and Catholics it is important for us to be aware of what is occurring in the government and to fight for what we believe. We as Catholics are not required to follow along with the decisions of the government and the lawmakers blindly but instead, “it is the duty of citizens to work with civil authority for building up society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2255).
The fight is not over however, and 15 states have already defeated legislation regarding the legalization of physician-assisted suicide this year. With the 2017 N.Y. State legislative session coming to an end in the middle of June there is now some time to urge our state officials to not join the ranks of those states that have legalized physician-assisted suicide. We can help in the fight during this time between legislative sessions by urging groups such as the American Medical Association (AMA) to oppose assisted suicide. The AMA is considering changing its decades-long position against doctor-prescribed suicide to one of “neutrality.” To find out more information about the situation with the AMA click here. To take action click here. We can also help the fight by letting our Senate and Assembly representatives know that we strongly oppose the proposal to legalize physician-assisted suicide. To find out more information about this option click here. To take action click here.
In the end, the Catholic Church believes that all people are created with human dignity from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. No human is ever without their human dignity and it is inherent in all of us equally. It is our duty as God’s followers to stand up as advocates for life and human dignity. We need to educate ourselves on the facts behind physician-assisted suicide and be able to express our beliefs without hesitation. Catholics throughout the world are praying for those who suffer from temptations to suicide. Every human has forever changed this world and it cannot be said that anyone has led a wasted life. All life has meaning and we are called to protect
For more information regarding Physician-Assisted Suicide and other End-of-Life Decisions follow these links below.