Lent 2019 / Cuaresma 2019
Bishop John O. Barres Lenten Letter 2019
Dear Friends:
As we begin our prayer, fasting and almsgiving for the needs of the poor and the suffering of the world in this Lenten season 2019, we recommit ourselves to repentance, conversion and holiness individually and as a Church. We remember in a focused way this Lent the survivors of clergy sexual abuse and all forms of abuse and we pray for the purification, reform and sanctification of the Church.
In Rejoice and Be Glad, Pope Francis says:
“Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. (32)…He [The Lord] wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence. (1)…Holiness is the most attractive face of the Church. (9)…the Church needs passionate missionaries, enthusiastic about sharing true life. The saints surprise us, they confound us, because by their lives they urge us to abandon a dull and dreary mediocrity.” (138)
One of the ways we commit ourselves to this radiant, natural and humble holiness is by expanding the breadth and depth of our daily engagement with the inspired Sacred Scriptures. We are called to live the words of Psalm 119: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Read full letter
Pope Francis’ Message for Lent 2019 / Mensaje Del Santo Padre Francisco Para La Cuaresma 2019
Mensaje Del Santo Padre Francisco Para La Cuaresma 2019
“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rm 8: 19)
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Each year, through Mother Church, God “gives us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed… as we recall the great events that gave us new life in Christ” (Preface of Lent I). We can thus journey from Easter to Easter towards the fulfilment of the salvation we have already received as a result of Christ’s paschal mystery – “for in hope we were saved” (Rom 8:24). This mystery of salvation, already at work in us during our earthly lives, is a dynamic process that also embraces history and all of creation. As Saint Paul says, “the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rom 8:19). In this perspective, I would like to offer a few reflections to accompany our journey of conversion this coming Lent. Read full letter
Lent 2019 Resources and Prayers
- Pope Francis’ message for Lent 2019 / Mensaje Del Santo Padre Francisco Para La Cuaresma 2019
- Bishop Barres’ Lenten Letter / en Español
- Lenten Calendar
- Lenten Videos
- The Corporal Works of Mercy
- The Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Respect Life Office Lenten Blog: Inspired by the words of Pope Francis
- Ten Things to Remember for Lent
- Resources to Help Individuals
- USCCB Lenten Resources
Word of Life / Palabra De Vida
Word of Life is a monthly resource for dioceses and parishes. It is available in both English and Spanish. Each month, you will find: Intercessions for Life , Bulletin Quotes, Bulletin Art and more.