Joint Memo from the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism and the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
February 19, 2019
Dear Friends,
As we celebrate Black History Month, let us grow in our commitment to communities of color, and to the worth, dignity, and value of every person of color.
As the bishops write in the new pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, persons of color are disproportionately affected by abortion, as well as by other human life violations across the life spectrum. Yet, sometimes there is a disconnect between the mainstream pro-life movement and communities of color. We need to work together to address that.
If you feel unequipped to begin building bridges, one good way to do that is through seeking further education.
These videos from Right to Life of Michigan may be helpful to you in that vein. These videos are challenging and also convicting! Right to Life of Michigan’s website describes the video series:
“In four short films, prolife advocate Christina Marie Bennett, herself almost aborted, explores feminism, black history, and the barriers that often exist between the mainstream prolife movement and the African American community, all in the context of her own deeply personal story.”
Here are links to the four videos for you to view. We also include suggested post text to use for sharing them on social media and with your networks.
Thank you for your commitment to the invaluable worth of every human life.
—Danielle Brown, Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, and Kat Talalas, Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
Christina’s story:
What is the connection between #abortion and #racism? #BlackHistoryMonth #ProLife
“The Black community continues a journey whose destination is the equal dignity of every human life.” #BlackHistoryMonth #ProLife
From Harriet Tubman to Sojourner Truth, black women have fought for other women. A black pro-life activist continues their legacy. #BlackHistoryMonth #ProLife
Working together to address violations against human dignity requires our time, concern, listening, and understanding. #BlackHistoryMonth #ProLife