Our mission is to build a civilization of love and life which upholds the dignity
and inviolability of all innocent human life, seeks objective moral Truth,
embraces the value of redemptive suffering, and yearns for the fullness of life
in eternal communion with God the Creator.
Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center – Mother’s Circle of Hope Support Group
Coping With Depression or Anxiety During Pregnancy or After the Birth of Your Baby?
You are not alone
You are not to blame
You will be well with help

Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center is proud to offer to the local community a support group for women experiencing depression or
anxiety related to pregnancy and childbearing.
- Perinatal mood and anxiety disorder is the leading medical complication related to childbearing
- 10% of women may experience depression or anxiety during pregnancy and up to 20% within the first 12 months after having a baby
- This free, 8-week support group meets once a week to provide emotional support and information to women in the community
Free hospital-based perinatal mood disorder support group offered on the south shore in Suffolk County
Please call (631) 376-HOPE or e-mail circleofhope@chsli.org, if you would like to register or learn more about the Mother’s Circle of Hope support group
For more information on Good Samaritan Hospital Medial Center visit goodsamaritan.chsli.org