Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship / Formando La Conciencia
We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern.” – Pope Francis, 9/16/13
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship | Read Online – The Catholic bishops of the United States are pleased to offer once again to the Catholic faithful Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, our teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics.
Formando La Conciencia (PDF VERSIÓN) | Online – Los obispos católicos de los Estados Unidos se complace en ofrecer una vez más a los fieles católicos Formando la conciencia para ser ciudadanos fieles, nuestro documento enseñanza sobre la responsabilidad política de los católicos