After trials and pilots we are now ready to implement a comprehensive curriculum plan for Human Dignity. In order to help our families work towards “healing the culture,” we will begin with the discussion of Human Dignity in our Level One Parent Sessions as well as our Level 3 Catechetical sessions.
The program we have adopted to use is the Whole Life Curriculum, which was developed in 2006, “focuses on building into students the
attitudes and values that will enable them to live their lives abundantly, as God meant them to live.” This is done by focusing on three elements: Sanctity of Life, Purity, and Social Justice. The program has been piloted in six parishes over the course of this year. In each parish it was done differently, but in each case it was enthusiastically received by students, parents and catechists. The program is easy to implement and the lessons are straight-forward and enjoyable. You can download the grade level Curriculums from the Resources on the Professional Page.
Another important piece in this Human Dignity Curriculum is the strengthening of our programs for Morality and Sexual Integrity in our Confirmation Programs. A strong program is the Theology of the Body which has been given to us through the teachings of St John Paul II. It is a wonderful way to help our young people to understand the teaching of the Catholic Church in the areas of Human Dignity and Sexuality. Once our students have an understanding of the basics, they can be given the opportunity to be in attendance at a presentation by The Culture Project International, an initiative of young people set out to restore the culture through the experience of virtue. This is an occasion where our young students can hear the witness of young, college graduates who are devoting their lives to proclaiming the dignity of the human person and the richness of living lives of sexual integrity, therefore inviting our culture to become fully alive. Attached to this email is the opportunity to sign-up for a presentation in your Parish.
As we come to the close of this Catechetical Year of Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person, let us do what we can to enhance our programs by allowing all to be better informed as they continue to develop their consciences. Then we will be able to enter the new Catechetical Year 2016-17 – “Prayer: The Faith Prayed”.
If you have any questions or comments after following the links, please contact