Place : Mercy Hospital Conference Room CIJ
1000 N Village Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570, USA
Cost : $35 suggested per parent/daughter couplet
Phone : 631-376-3232
Email :
An opportunity for mothers and daughters together
Saturday December 10th 10:00 am at Mercy Hospital Conference Room CIJ
The Gianna of Long Island Center for Women’s Health and Fertility is pleased to present Dr. Paul Carpentier and one of our regional female FertilityCare Practitioners who will present on the importance of growing up healthy as a young woman, what is normal for a menstrual cycle & what to do if there are difficulties with a menstrual cycle. We will also discuss the beauty of how God made young women and have plenty of time for questions and answers.
Mothers are encouraged to bring their teenage daughters to learn together. Parents will be encouraged to embellish the lesson with his or her own insights and experiences.
Please note, the Gianna Center views the parent as primary educator. This presentation is not a sexual education course, but rather a special presentation on healthy cycles. We promote chastity for women of all ages. The presentation is age appropriate for 13-17 years and possibly 10-13 years of age according to the parent’s judgment.
Registration Required. $35 suggested per parent/daughter couplet. Please call to register 631-376-3232.
You may call the same number or email for more information.
Session is anticipated to be 75-90 minutes in duration.
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