Easter and beyond: Faith in the Risen Lord
Lenten blog inspired by the words and writings of Pope Francis
We have a true and deep joy founded on the certainty that the risen Christ shall never die again; rather he is alive and at work in the church and in the world.
Experiencing the resurrection’s joy enables us to carry “a ray” of the light of the Risen One to people who are happy, making them more beautiful by preserving them from selfishness, and to people who suffer, bringing serenity and hope.
Faith in the risen Lord leads to communities that are united, share joy with others and help the poor. Catholics and their parishes give witness that Jesus is alive among us.
The Ascension does not point to Jesus’ absence, it tells us he is alive and in our midst in a new way. The Ascension assures us, too, of the “consoling reality” that “in Christ, true God and true man, our humanity was taken to God. Christ opened the path to us.”
After 50 days of joy, the feast of Pentecost concludes the Easter season. Now “the church relives the outpouring of the Spirit upon Mary and the apostles gathered in prayer in the Upper Room.”
Pentecost celebrates the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which enables the Lord’s disciples to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
The Spirit bestows a variety of gifts among the church’s members, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of unity who can “awaken diversity, plurality and multiplicity, while at the same time building unity.”
Getting to know Jesus more fully is essential in Christian life … to know him you dialogue with him, speak with him in prayer on your knees and follow him, just as the disciples did.
Faith is a walk with Jesus, walking with Jesus is a walk that lasts a lifetime.