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Call to Action: Tell Congress No Late Abortion

As you know, the House of Representatives recently passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the measure has been introduced in the Senate as S.1922. On October 17 Cardinal Dolan called on the Senate to support and request a vote on this life-saving legislation which will protect pre-born children and their mothers from the horrors of late abortion. Please join the effort to urge the Senate to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, (S. 1922) which reflects what a consensus of Americans believe about abortion. There are many reasons why this policy should be enacted. It is not only that there is scientific evidence that children feel pain at this age and that the mother’s risk of death or serious complications increases after the mid-point of pregnancy. It is also, as Cardinal Dolan noted in his letter to Congress, that the “stories of children born earlier in pregnancy, as early as 20 weeks post-fertilization, are becoming more common.” You can read the full text of that letter and the alert here.

We would like to introduce you to one little boy who proves the Cardinal’s claim. Born at exactly 22 weeks, baby Thomas survived against many odds and is now a happy, healthy and beloved toddler. Meet Thomas by watching the video below:


If you have been following this legislation then you know that it is expected to fail in the Senate. While this presents a challenge, it also presents an opportunity. It is a not the moment to give up. Rather, it is the moment for an outcry from constituents. We have overcome other bad legislative odds in the past when we flooded Capitol Hill with grassroots messages. Consider how the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban was enacted after millions of Americans contacted Congress. The bad odds didn’t stop Thomas from fighting for life and they shouldn’t stop us either.

Now, with the tools of electronic advocacy at our fingertips we have the possibility of mobilizing faster and stronger than ever before. You will notice that the alert allows for multiple forms of contact with your senators: email, Twitter, a suggested Facebook post and a suggested phone script. Please encourage persons in your networks to use all the forms available to them if possible. Please also note that at the end of the phone script users can indicate if they made a call. This helps us track the total number of messages. As ever, we invite you to follow and repost us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You’ll find Meet Thomas there. Please share the video and encourage others to do the same. Consider showing the video in parishes and sharing with youth and young adult groups. Finally, please remember that people can also easily connect with Human Life Action by simply texting “life” to 474747. We hope to have more complete social media tool kit for you in the coming days.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist you in this effort and know that we thank God for you and all you do for His little ones.

Together we will be heard!


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