TAKE ACTION: Abortion is NOT Family Planning! – Show your support for the “Protect Life Rule”

The Trump Administration just proposed new regulations to help ensure that abortion is separated from the federal Title X family planning program. The Administration has opened a 60-day comment period ending on July 31, 2018 and is accepting comments on the proposed rule.

The proposed regulations, called the “Protect Life Rule” are modeled after regulations issued by the Reagan Administration and include several important requirements:

“A Title X project may not perform, promote, refer for, or support, abortion as a method of family planning, nor take any other affirmative action to assist a patient to secure such an abortion.”

“A Title X project must be organized so that it is physically and financially separate… from [abortion]activities”.

“Title X projects shall comply with all State and local laws requiring notification or reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abused, rape, incest, intimate partner violence, or human trafficking.”

In a statement praising the Administration, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, chair of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities said that these regulations are “greatly needed and deeply appreciated.” Cardinal Dolan also said, “Most Americans recognize that abortion is distinct from family planning and has no place in a taxpayer-funded family planning program. For too long, Title X has been used to subsidize the abortion industry. ”

The Administration has opened a 60-day comment period ending on July 31, 2018 and is accepting comments on the proposed rule.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion purveyors will flood the Administration with negative comments.  It is very important that the Pro-Life Community write to the Administration also to show our strong support for these regulations.