Help Ensure Continued Delivery of Vital Human Services
Human service providers are dedicated to protecting the well-being of New Yorkers. They are sheltering the homeless, counseling the addicted, transporting the disabled, providing food and clothing to families in need, serving the elderly, the abused and many at-risk populations.
In order for these workers and their organizations to thrive and sustain their services, the state needs to make two crucial investments this year:
- $12 million to fully fund the increase in the minimum wage in direct human services contracts; and
- Approximately $40 million to restore the 0.8 percent Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) in human services contracts.
We need your help to secure these two items in the final budget. This is your opportunity to tell the Governor and your elected state representatives that failing to fund the minimum wage and the COLA for human services workers and agencies will significantly and negatively impact the delivery of services to needy and vulnerable populations.
Please help by sending the message at this link to your state representatives. Thank you!