Our mission is to build a civilization of love and life which upholds the dignity
and inviolability of all innocent human life, seeks objective moral Truth,
embraces the value of redemptive suffering, and yearns for the fullness of life
in eternal communion with God the Creator.
The 2016-17 Respect Life Program is Here
The 2016– 2017 Respect Life Program is here! Featuring six new articles that will guide and illustrate to us God’s Mercy and the compassion we give to one another.
Each person “has a place in God’s heart from all eternity” (AL 168). Within this context, Pope Francis reminds us, “we are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created” (AL 56). Like the Good Samaritan, may we always treat each person with merciful love and respect that affirms the gift of his or her life.