Conscience Protection Act
For years we’ve asked Congress to reform federal laws on conscience rights, especially to protect individual and institutional health care providers who object to abortion—good people like Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo, R.N., who was forced to participate in a late-term abortion against her deeply-held pro-life beliefs.
That was a major violation of her conscience rights…but she currently has no recourse to protect herself from coercion in the future!
Like, Cathy, most medical professionals want nothing to do with abortion. They, too, need Congress to pass the Conscience Protection Act of 2016 (H.R. 4828/S. 2927). Over two dozen pro-life and medical organizations have already joined the bishops in urging Congress to do so.
In the next two to three weeks, we need as many Catholics as possible around the country to see this video and contact their elected representatives urging them to support the Conscience Protection Act of 2016.
Please consider sharing the video on your diocesan website and/or on social media.
When sharing, please consider using the hashtag: #StandWithCathy to help gain momentum!
Take Action by contacting officials and urging Congress to pass the Conscience Protection Act.