A few thoughts on March For Life 2015
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By Ashley Foster
In recent days I found myself reflecting on Martin Luther King, Jr. due to a new movie about his life and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I asked myself how much courage it would take to march for something you believe in like he did, knowing that by doing so some people would think you are crazy and that others wouldn’t understand, but you continued to march for what you believe in regardless. I felt fear thinking about how others would see me if I chose to march like he did and that fear was something I thought would be hard to overcome.
However, on January 22, 2015, I chose to march at the March for Life. I was excited and nervous
about marching. I was excited because I knew that I would not be alone and I was nervous because I knew that others may not understand and I myself did not fully comprehend why I was marching and not knowing why caused a bit of fear. I feared what I did not understand and, that if asked why I chose to march, I would have no answer to give.
I still marched, taking comfort in knowing I was not alone, I looked to my right and saw marchers from Boston, Pittsburgh, Canada and from other places. I looked to my right and saw familiar faces, happy to be in attendance and chanting with me as we told others that this was our cause. I saw thousands of people and in the moment of seeing how many people were there, I finally got it. I marched with a hope and want to change the world I live in regardless of what others think. I believe that my march added with others would make a difference. I also know that God has given me life and a new day and I show care for others as God’s creations and joy for life by coming together to protect future life. In my opinion everyone who gathered, regardless of religion, was a beautiful sight not only to me but I believe it made God well pleased.