The Diocesan Respect Life Office is excited to announce the 13th Annual Youth Respect Life Contest for grades 7-8 Level ONE, and grades 9-12 Level TWO, this years theme “Each of us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation”.
We welcome all Catholic youngsters in the Rockville Centre Diocese attending Catholic Elementary, High Schools or parish programs including religious education, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, youth groups, youth choirs and we encourage children with special needs to participate as well. We look forward to seeing the masterpieces that will be submitted this year.
Registration Details:
The contest begins September 8th 2014, and closes with submissions from each parish, program or school’s first prize winning entries. Principals, Directors of Religious Education and Respect Life leaders are responsible for developing judging protocol for all entries in the school, programs and parish contests respectively (One only entry per category, per school, per parish and program is allowed and more than one will disqualify the school and entrant). All entries must be attached to the registration form, postmarked by January 27, 2015, and mailed to the Respect Life Office. Please note the registration form must be signed by a parent or guardian.
The contest is designed to educate and provide a platform for youth to express and share ideas and feelings on Respect Life issues that promote the dignity and respect for all persons from conception through natural death. All entries will be judged on originality and expression of thought in relation to the Catholic faith and the contest theme, “Each of us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation”. Respect life issues and concerns include abortion, adoption, euthanasia, bullying, respect for life, contraception, crisis pregnancy, advocacy for life, stem cell research, just war doctrine, death penalty, suicide, responsibility of Catholic politicians, respectful reproductive technologies, chastity, rights of the disabled, conscience protection for Catholic Healthcare workers and end of life issues.
Cash awards are given for first, second and third place winners for both levels in each category.
■ First place winners will receive $400.00
■ Second place winners will receive $250.00
■ Third Place winners will receive $150.00
Every student who participates in the contest including those who are not finalists will receive a certificate of participation. All certificates will be available the night of the awards.
Entry Deadline: January 26th 2015
The Respect Life Contest Awards Ceremony will be on March 26, 2015 at the Kellenberg Memorial High School Auditorium at 7 PM.
Registration Form
Contest Guidelines
Respect Life Concerns
Need Inspiration
Click here to view the winners of last years Respect Life Contest.
View or download bulletin announcement for your parish here. Please feel free to photocopy any of the materials for your bulletin/newsletter.
View or download flyer below:
Flyer 8.5×11 or Flyer 11×17