Excerpts on the Jubilee of Mercy
From Bishop Murphy’s Letter re the Year of Mercy and Absolution for Sin of Abortion. September, 2015
In our diocese all three of my predecessors and I have already given that special faculty (to absolve the sin of abortion) to all of our priests. Since 1957, any woman who has undergone an abortion and has confessed this sin in the past already received the sacrament of divine mercy with full forgiveness for her sin and reconciliation to God and Christ’s Church.
My brother priests and I are eager to be God’s instruments during Jubilee Year to welcome one and all to the Sacrament of God’s Mercy and to absolve any woman who comes to confess this sin with words of welcome, forgiveness, understanding as instruments of the merciful love of the Father of Mercies.
From Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of Mercy
(Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s on April 11, 2015)
In the “fullness of time,” when everything had been arranged according to his plan of salvation, he sent his only Son into the world, born of the Virgin Mary, to reveal his love for us in a definitive way. Whoever sees Jesus sees the Father. Jesus of Nazareth, by his words, his actions, and his entire person reveals the mercy of God.
Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.
The Holy Year will open on 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive.
I will announce that in every local church, at the cathedral — the mother church of the faithful in any particular area – or, alternatively, at the co-cathedral or another church of special significance, a Door of Mercy will be opened for the duration of the Holy Year.
The Second Vatican Council Fathers strongly perceived, as a true breath of the Holy Spirit, a need to talk about God to men
and women of their time in a more accessible way. The Church sensed a responsibility to be a living sign of the Father’s love in the world.
Blessed Paul VI said, at the closing of the Council: “We prefer to point out how charity has been the principal religious feature of the Council… the old story of the Good Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the council.