9 Days For Life: Prayer, Penance, And Pilgrimage | 9 Días por la Vida

On January 22 our nation will mark the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the U.S.9days-cover-photo-english-2

Since that tragic decision, more than 56 million children’s lives have been lost to abortion, and many suffer that loss — often in silence.

Join thousands of Catholics across the country in prayer for a Culture of Life from Saturday, January 16, 2016 –  Sunday, January 24, 2016. For more information visit usccb.org

Below are resources to help you as you part-take in 9 Days for life.

Flyers and Media Resources


Prayer Resources


How to Sign Up


The app will open in either English or Spanish, depending on the phone’s language settings.

La aplicación se abrirá en inglés o español, dependiendo de la preferencia de idioma del teléfono. 

9 days 2015 text

9 days

9 Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage Novena
9 Días por la Vida